Possible Projects!

Everything begins with a single idea.
Have some project in mind you think someone could work out? Feel free to post it as a comment on this Page, and we'll update the list with your ideas!

Thinking of applying for an NSS Project? Here are some possible Projects:

a. Video content for education: Generate and collect educational videos (in the form of experiment demonstrations, short films, documentaries, etc). You can take up a specific topic of the school syllabus, or choose your own pet topic. These videos can be ultimately distributed via schools, websites, TV and through various NGOs.
b.    Audio content and educational podcasts: Generate and collect educational audio content (eg radio shows, podcasts, etc). You can take up a specific topic of the school syllabus, or choose your own pet topic. These can be ultimately distributed via schools, websites, radio and through various NGOs.
c. Web content and blogging: Create and develop websites/blogs to help the spread of education. The website could be anything from being a source of simple explanations or clearing common misconceptions, to explaining interesting science phenomena and extending Kaleidoscope, the NSS Science website.
d.   Educational content in Indian languages: The quality and reach of educational content in Indian languages is dismal. Contribute to the wealth of educational content in Indian languages, through a medium of your choice.
e.  Educational TV programs: As an offshoot of Video content generation, you could focus on making and recording interesting and innovative educational TV programs.
f.  Publishing books and a science magazine: Create and compile print content for science propagation. The target group and type of publication is up to the team to decide.
g.  Education via traditional arts like drama, dance, puppetry, etc

Carry ahead the good work done by the Teaching Department until this year or find your own niche of teaching. Choose whichever subject you loved in school, and help students who are struggling with it!

Pick any chapter, any topic, any subject. Here are a few possible areas:

 a.  Computer literacy initiatives: To be fluent with computers is a fast becoming a necessity in today’s technology-driven world. Teach students the language of clicks and keystrokes. 
b. English education initiatives (eg. Speak Easy programmes): Without doubt, imparting English education opens up a world of possibilities to anyone. Teach students English, help them flourish.
c.  Science education: Science is often taught in a rote fashion in schools. Willing to help students become budding scientists?

Here are the possible avenues for teaching:
 a. Adult education on campus: Imparting relevant education to those who missed the chance in their childhood. There can be nothing nobler than this. 
b. Classes at IKC, Natham: IViL is looking for IITM Students to teach classes to the kids of the village at the Integrated Knowledge Center, Natham. Lend a hand in reviving their unique venture.
c.  Training teachers/volunteers: Similar to one of AID India’s activities, to train people within a community/school in the use of software, educational aids or experiment demonstrations, so they can be the ones training their peers.

a.   Creating science experiment kits and science toys: Doing science experiments is the joy of every child. Creating affordable science kits and educative science toys is a creative endeavor with a purpose.
b. Technology-driven product development for differently-abled people
c. Technology-driven product development for rural India
d. Technology-driven product development for a sustainable IIT Madras
e. Education on mobiles: Mobile phones, being ubiquitous, have the potential for mass transfer of knowledge. Find ways and means to impart knowledge via phones, eg. In-built games, via SMS, etc.
f.   Educational video games: Love gaming or software? Think virtual games have the potential to explain concept? Then this is the project for you.

a. Education festival: Conduct an educational fest where children can be show that learning is fun
b. Awareness campaigns inside and outside IITM

a.  Social enterprises for education
b. Cycle sharing system for IIT Madras: Take up the challenge of developing and implementing a working cycle-sharing system for the IIT Madras campus.
c.  Village Knowledge Center: Look into the feasibility of setting up a sustainable Village Knowledge Centre to cater to the knowledge needs of a village.

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